30 Softgel Capsules

Ocean Krill Oil; is a food supplement containing omega 3 in phospholipid form obtained from Antarctic krill, hunted from sustainable sources in accordance with hunting bans. It contains astaxanthin and omega 3 fatty acids in its composition. Ocean Krill Oil producers are controlled by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). It offers the consumer a reliable and quality content guarantee.

Ürün ikon set

Name Amount *NRV
Krill Oil 500 mg
Phospholipids 200 mg
Total Omega 3 110 mg
EPA 60 mg
DHA 32.5 mg
Astaxanthin 0,1 µg
*NRV: Nutrition Reference Value
Usage Recommendation: It is recommended to consume 1-2 capsules per day.

Health Declaration:

This food contains omega 3 fatty acid EPA and DHA.

EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart.

DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal eyesight.

DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function.

1 -Consumer is informed that beneficial effect will be achieved when 250 mg of EPA and DHA are taken daily.

* Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Nutrition and Health Declarations